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Tom Young at 1:58pm 08.23.07
The Elders (sp?) on MOTH. They are beautiful boats. This one is quite nice and the owner does most o
lagbolt1254 at 12:41pm 08.13.07
I am searching for a specific challenger 38 that was custom built for Jim Bernard. It was a sloop/cu
Tom Young at 7:05pm 08.09.07
We've had a wonderful few weeks of sailing in Southern New England. On the last third of the falling
Quetzalsailor at 11:06am 08.09.07
Were later Challengers' windows built as Hinckleyesque rectangulars in lieu of the lovely demi-ellip
Tom Young at 3:37am 07.26.07
I've had the great pleasure to meet and talk to Iain the last few days as he readies the PEGGY BAWN
southport at 3:06pm 07.25.07
the Challenger is not the fastest boat but this past weekend we did win the prettiest boat award at
Iain McAllister at 4:04am 07.19.07
southport at 4:23pm 07.18.07
Launch tommorrow- we are told we need fuzzy fenders rather than vinyl to protect the awl grip (true?
david at 12:24am 07.15.07
I've migrated the board to new software. If any issues are noticed, please reply to this topic.
Tia Maria at 7:37pm 07.12.07
Any one everthought about switching to chain plates? My little boaxes are pretty wasted so I have to
david at 10:06am 06.30.07
Good news everyone, the next version of phpBB (the software that runs this site) is almost ready for
Tom Young at 2:47am 06.26.07
taken by a professional friend who was in Maine last week. With a wide angle he caught the fading li
Tom Young at 3:36am 06.16.07
Christmas got a new coat of topsides paint. I put a red cove and boottop on (only one brush needed),
Tom Young at 2:46am 06.08.07
Iain mentioned in an email doing some work on the stemhead of his Caravelle. My stemhead shows a bit
Quetzalsailor at 10:38am 06.05.07
In the shared details department, I include a description of a LeComte North East 38 fireplace stack
Tom Young at 3:20am 06.05.07
A nice big space up there due to the long overhang and spoon bow. Having a bow watertank under the f
Tom Young at 2:49pm 06.03.07
again. Overall, I am pleased with the first coating. I used Easypoxy, a one part urethane. Our boat
southport at 3:43am 06.02.07
Cindy ' I were running our crew boat back from Baltimore and were in Stamford for fuel, sleep. I was
rkg19 at 5:32pm 05.27.07
Does anyone know if the Mistrals suffer from the same endemic problems that the Challengers have?
Iain McAllister at 2:55pm 05.23.07
Congratulations to Dan Cassidy, his crew and 949O "Fleana" on the completion of their 18000 mile Atl

Recent Replies

Mast Gate Woes   (1)
Hayden Watson at 7:08am 05.16.23
I have the same problem with my new mainsail but those shown at MetaMast would be worse than what I
Cleaning Shore Power Cord
jviss at 7:01am 05.16.23
There is no purpose other than keeping up apearances, and I don't enjoy menial labor. Go sailing.
kappykaplan at 6:59am 05.16.23
Every boater should know where every thruhull is. :plus:
Don S/V ILLusion at 6:59am 05.16.23
I can't seem to locate the toilet intake seacock on my Hunter 29.5. Any help / pics appreciated. I
jdrutten at 6:57am 05.16.23
The manual shows it as being under the head sink. See page 17: Hunter_gen_52976033.pdf (sailboatowne
Cleaning Shore Power Cord
thinwater at 6:56am 05.16.23
There is no purpose other than keeping up apearances, and I don't enjoy menial labor. Go sailing.
Winyah Bay at 6:51am 05.16.23
Thanks! I'll check it today. appreciate the quick reply!
kappykaplan at 6:47am 05.16.23
That through hull is likely under one of your deck plates.
Winyah Bay at 6:42am 05.16.23
I can't seem to locate the toilet intake seacock on my Hunter 29.5. Any help / pics appreciated. I'
Cleaning Shore Power Cord
jviss at 6:05am 05.16.23
I tried some recommended items that did nothing, and then used a specific marine cord cleaning prod
Faded Sunbrella (or equivalent) Boat Canvas
jviss at 6:03am 05.16.23
Well, back again. I ordered some Rust-Oleum Fabric Paint, and I'm also looking at Fabric Spray Dye.
Cleaning Shore Power Cord
cymeyer at 5:54am 05.16.23
Silly post, I know, sorry! My shore power cord looks awful, grimy, gritty. I washed it, and tried
Repairing boat after Hurricane Zeta   (1)
JamesG161 at 5:42am 05.16.23
The new 9KW Kohler starter wire. More on final connections on next post. Happy Jim...
MH40 - Depth Transducer Offset
ChrisHunter at 5:36am 05.16.23
My suggestion is to set the offset 1 foot lower than the distance from the waterline to bottom of ke
Engine compartment blower re design what do you have in your boat
CYQK at 5:08am 05.16.23
If you are drawing air from the top of your engine compartment and cooler air is entering from the b
Cleaning Shore Power Cord
NYSail at 4:59am 05.16.23
How do I clean my dirty cover? :D Fortunately the cover only gets a bit dirty and easily sprays c
Hunter smile / keel movement
Crazy Dave Condon at 4:58am 05.16.23
@Ralph Johnstone Without the keel attached , any boat of that size would buckle the stands. My p
A story of the engine that could.... Then didn't
Terry Cox at 4:48am 05.16.23
Sheesh, John. This is becoming a thread of epic proportion. Almost as much as the, "Boat babe on Str
Anchoring at Coward's Cove?   (1)
jssailem at 4:45am 05.16.23
Tedd with so much beautiful water to explore I wonder why Cowards Cove? I zoomed in on the breakw

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