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Richard LeDuc at 4:27am 05.16.02
Hi everyone I have been sailing for many years. I have credentials to charter up to 42'. I would be
Tom M. at 3:38am 05.16.02
Peggie, Another question. Could compare and contrast the the Raritan PHII and the Cricket? I'm tryi
Guest at 3:33am 05.16.02
Peggie, I'm thinking of replacing my holding tank/head. (Going with Raritan) My question is on the
Tom Boles at 3:01am 05.16.02
transport by truck? This is an important number for the truck guys, and my original estimate of 13'
Tom Boles at 2:50am 05.16.02
transport by truck? I never measured, and an estimate needs to be pretty true.. I think it's like
Randy Simmons at 2:23am 05.16.02
I am finally getting my '85 H23 back together and need to put the stanchions for the grab lines on t
george at 12:48am 05.16.02
I'm considering adding positive foam flotation to my Oday 222. Does anyone know of a good source for
george at 12:44am 05.16.02
I'm considering adding positive foam flotation to my Oday 222(approx. dimensions 22' x 8' 2200 lbs.)
HARVEY at 12:43am 05.16.02
Vince at 12:34am 05.16.02
I was wondering if you had any suggestion as to how to cure my sticky lifelines. They have somehow
D. Phillips at 12:27am 05.16.02
I'm trying to work out a system of hand signals the person at the bow can use to communicate with th
John Mann at 12:08am 05.16.02
I have a 1976 Catalina 22 and two of the safety glass windows have been broken. I removed them and
Bob Middleton at 10:48pm 05.15.02
I recently bought a Catalina 27 and after several hours of using the diesel engine, the fuel gauge d
Steve at 10:21pm 05.15.02
The first time out on the lake was also the first race. When the gun went off, we were about 500 ya
Ed van Kessel at 10:14pm 05.15.02
I have a '87 Catalina 30 which I purchased last year. It had refrigeration with the compressor inst
Tom Wootton at 9:16pm 05.15.02
Is this area just forward of the companionway hinges hollow, or does it conceal some structural comp
Rob at 4:01pm 05.15.02
Leaving the swing keel down is this hard on the keel pin im concerned about my keel cable as my boat
Rob at 3:48pm 05.15.02
on my c22 there is nothing to keeps the gooseneck from sliding down when sail is lowered? any info
Tom Boles at 1:51pm 05.15.02
I need a new Jib for my soon to be boat, a hunter Vision 32. For a variety of reasons, I may not be
Peter Frontera at 1:23pm 05.15.02
I just purchesed a 192 and was wondering if the 150 ft. sail area makes this a under powered boat.

Recent Replies

The Lighter Side of Social Distancing
Kermit at 6:03pm 04.03.20
@Kermit[/USER @Kermit , I've never eaten a bat of any kind. Not sure what under cooked would mean?
What is the Weirdest Thing You Have Ever Found on a Boat
shemandr at 5:59pm 04.03.20
One of the things I love about sailing and being "Out" are the critters you encounter. When returni
Old Man Going West!!
Orbweaver at 5:57pm 04.03.20
I'll have to respectfully disagree with respect to Flathead Lake. It's awesome in September, albeit
Boom Question
Cascade27 at 5:43pm 04.03.20
As you can see, raising and shortening the boom is doable. You won't increase your aloft center-of
Questions for work on my new Catalina 22
Erbardy at 5:36pm 04.03.20
@thinwater tested backing plates at Backing Plate Testing (some of that was eventually published in
Best material to reseat new side windows on Catalina 30
Ted at 5:36pm 04.03.20
Dow 795 if you can afford to wait 14 days for it to fully cure.
Found a 2003 C310   (4)
JRT at 5:21pm 04.03.20
No wind today, but the best sunny day this year. We worked half day at home and headed out to ancho
The Lighter Side of Social Distancing
Michael Davis at 5:18pm 04.03.20
@Kermit , I've never eaten a bat of any kind. Not sure what under cooked would mean? Please enlighte
2008 Hunter 38 Anchor rode length
quadrille38 at 5:15pm 04.03.20
I have the same boat and if I recall the Mariners package was 150 of rode and 30 feet in chain with
What is the Weirdest Thing You Have Ever Found on a Boat
PaulK at 5:11pm 04.03.20
We wee about 8 nm out from land in Lake Erie when I noticed something flutter from the top of the m
Found a 2003 C310
Ralph Johnstone at 5:06pm 04.03.20
For powerboats, it's OK, even expected. Of course it's expected. But howzabout my neighbour wh
The Lighter Side of Social Distancing   (1)
Kermit at 5:03pm 04.03.20
Uncle Phil or his big brother PoliceBot might cancel my reservations at the Hotel California for thi
2008 Hunter 38 Anchor rode length
Phil Herring at 4:53pm 04.03.20
Hunter typically would use 150' of rode and about 30' to 35' of chain for a boat that size, but it v
86 Galley Table replacement
PhilSp at 4:53pm 04.03.20
Thanks to both for the response. Yes, I've looked at CD at the hardware and found that, of course I
Found a 2003 C310
Tom J at 4:52pm 04.03.20
I know! My Maine sailing/motorcycle friend already gave me grief! It is lazy but we go out and co
86 Galley Table replacement
Hardhead at 4:48pm 04.03.20
If you have a large cardboard box around - I've always found it helpful to cut out a full-size mock-
2008 Hunter 38 Anchor rode length
Stu Jackson at 4:47pm 04.03.20
Why NEW GEN Anchors are Better:,2705.msg19651.html#msg19651 Anc
Sanding ablative bottom paint
jssailem at 4:39pm 04.03.20
Not racing here. Put on Pettit Trinidad 2 years ago. Diver says it is holding up well. Have to pull
History and limitations of satellite imagery
jssailem at 4:36pm 04.03.20
Nice article Ed. I enjoyed the read.
Questions for work on my new Catalina 22
Erbardy at 4:30pm 04.03.20
Can we assume you bought a "new to YOU" boat as opposed to a "new from the factory"? tom

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