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jeffery everson at 8:38am 01.04.06
looking for family sailing in florida my wife and i have a 12 year old boy .
JerryA at 8:34am 01.04.06
The wife and I are planning to check out the boat show in Cleveland on the 14th. Anyone else going?
damauney at 6:32am 01.04.06
Has anyone rigged a cunningham on an O'day 34 or 35. I wondered what configuration you used. How y
Don at 6:19am 01.04.06
Has anyone replaced the table in thier 290 or 306 to make a more useable interior? I am looking at a
Ray Chapman at 5:54am 01.04.06
I am getting water into the starboard lazaret of my 1997 hunter 310. I believe it is getting in aro
Stephen K at 5:52am 01.04.06
I needed a new battery charger and from previous wisdom supplied on this forum, I selected a Xantrex
Frank C350 "Forever Young" at 5:33am 01.04.06
Boat terminology can be frustrating with single parts having two or three different names (aft-stern
Frank, C350 "Forever Young" at 5:08am 01.04.06
Peggy, we use Raritan's Clean Potty (CP) regularly and agree it is a great product. It says to let
csobalvarro at 4:54am 01.04.06
I'm looking for a mainsail cover and see that there are adjustable sizes available at a pretty good
Bob in SF at 3:42am 01.04.06
I'm looking to get a DVD/TV for my boat (post Christmas present to myself!). I'd like to mount the
Gary H at 2:13am 01.04.06
Many years ago I purchased genoa tracks for my 1983 Hunter 22 and got advice from Hunter where to pl
Ralph Johnstone at 2:08am 01.04.06
Has anyone come up with anything that will remove the carbon buildup inside the mixing elbow of a Ya
Bob at 2:01am 01.04.06
We have come to love the City of Charleston, South Carolina and for us the harbor is the greatest sa
Levin at 1:34am 01.04.06
Hello everyone... So I have a question for any of you electrical gurus who might be out there. O
Lee at 12:58am 01.04.06
I have a broken mast step. (Z190 tapered mast) It happened when I was de-masted in Lake Michigan a
Capt Woody at 12:02am 01.04.06
Curious questions: Where is the best place to buy things for the Hunter 240 boat? I am interested in
Benny at 11:07pm 01.03.06
Has anyone installed a shower in the cabin of an H-27 Cherubini? We have installed a pressure water
David Fletcher at 10:54pm 01.03.06
I recently purchased a 1996 400. The bottom has high moisture readings. The surveyor suggested strip
Patrick at 10:38pm 01.03.06
Anyone have a picture/diagram or other instructions on the rudder assembly? I have a 1982 (Hull 440
Justin_NSA at 9:12pm 01.03.06
Would anyone know if the pattern for the Mac26 pop-top is available somewhere? I would like to have

Recent Replies

do you sail in the fog?
jssailem at 4:56pm 12.08.20
Not a RANT>.. An excellent discussion of the issues around FOG @Maine Sail :clap:
do you sail in the fog?
jssailem at 4:55pm 12.08.20
i have good skills. i'm well trained. still scared. :plus:
Have you bought a boat during cold off-season?
Tally Ho at 4:54pm 12.08.20
I bought mine in the middle of winter. We ran the moisture meter over her, the decks had no softne
Hunter 333 real or myth?
Tally Ho at 4:51pm 12.08.20
The Proper Prop
jssailem at 4:44pm 12.08.20
Wow Mike. You are right That guy was smart. And what a cool websight. I found this discussion.. "Th
DELMARVA preparations
kappykaplan at 4:37pm 12.08.20
On average, if you plan for a speed of advance of about 4 kts, a non-stop DELMARVA takes about 96 ho
Diesel heater pickup tube leaking
jssailem at 4:33pm 12.08.20
only a handful of which I can (or should) do myself. Do not sell your self short. I have discovere
Best boat to purchase to live on
jssailem at 4:29pm 12.08.20
If I was looking for a boat to live on I would try and find a Chinese Junk. They are not much of a s
Coolant Smoke or more?
Tally Ho at 4:24pm 12.08.20
Maybe a dumb question but do most people close their seacocks when not on the boat. Since I bought
Coolant Smoke or more?
jssailem at 4:23pm 12.08.20
At least you live near your boat. I live 250 miles away.
Dyneema (or similar) lifeline advice needed
jssailem at 4:22pm 12.08.20
My stanchions have some sort of coating or nylon protector on the drilled holes, so less worried ab
Coolant Smoke or more?
islandhop at 4:21pm 12.08.20
Ok. Thanks guys. I do inspect all of them. They are in good working order. But from here on I will
DELMARVA preparations
kappykaplan at 4:20pm 12.08.20
Sailing non stop can be a bit stressful. Unless you have crew! I have done many DELMARVAs, always
DELMARVA preparations
jssailem at 4:20pm 12.08.20
Just looking at the map there appears to be many places along the way you could stop and explore.
DELMARVA preparations
jssailem at 4:14pm 12.08.20
Dr. D... Do you feel you need to do this without stopping? Sailing non stop can be a bit stressful.
Dyneema (or similar) lifeline advice needed
pmbuck at 4:12pm 12.08.20
Similar to your sunbrella solution, I am buying a dyneema sleeve to put over each eye splice. My sta
Dyneema (or similar) lifeline advice needed
pmbuck at 4:11pm 12.08.20
yes - I liked that post on the whoopie sling! Also can recommend. We decided not to do it since I'll
Coolant Smoke or more?
jssailem at 4:02pm 12.08.20
Welcome to the forum @islandhop. Never a dumb question is asked. Just do it once and never repeat it
Coolant Smoke or more?
dmax at 4:01pm 12.08.20
Always close them, it could save your boat. The first boat I had with through-hulls almost sank a we
Hunter 36 Fresh Water Tank Access
nickroskam at 2:59pm 12.08.20
You'll find the manual under Downloads

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